
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Examples of progress report research paper on literary analysis

The site also offers progress report research papers. An example of a progress report research paper on literary analysis is given herein. This article provides a progress report research paper on the short story entitled “Flowers for Algernon”.

Charlie visits the Warren State Home, and he does not like it at all. He hopes to leave the institution and spend his life with family members. The physical condition of Algernon and the intellectual deterioration motivates Charlie to wind up his study before his deterioration begins. He goes to the laboratory and terminates his association with Fay. In this respect, Charlie becomes a study object; a concept he has been fighting all the time.

His loneliness is exacerbated by the notion that his interaction with fellow humans is characterized with hostility. During one of the parties that were organized by professor Nemur and his wife, Charlie is defiant against his “creator” asserting that he has always been a human being. He notes that there s nothing concrete in having intelligence without a human face.

When Algernon passes away, Charlie buries him. He still has confidence in his abilities, and he takes off to visit his mother. All he wants is to impress his mother and assure her that he is very smart. Charlie discovers that things have changed a great deal. His mother has become senile and is living with his sister, Norma. Norma comes home to the discomfort of Charlie, and her memory of their childhood experiences is also faded.

Nonetheless, Norma believed that her memories about dream were essential in helping Charlie discover himself. All over a sudden, Charlie’s mother appears with a knife, threatening him to leave her daughter alone. Charlie is forced to leave before revealing to his sister that his evolution was only momentary.